SoundDiver also supports OMS so routing the editing from it into other software such as Cakewalk Metro, Deck or
MIDIGraphy (all sequencers and audio applications that support the Mac platform) is possible. It is only with Logic
however (as of time of writing) that the benefits of the Autolink system shine through. You should consult your Logic
and Sound Diver manuals for information on the Autolink system and how it is implemented.
Logic Environment pages for Macintosh
Xgfactory.com offers these free of charge. They basically mimic some of the capabilities offered by SoundDiver in
that audio and synth parameters can be edited within the Logic song, simply by importing an environment layer for
the parameters you wish to access. These are also provided on the SW1000XG CD-ROM with a comprehensive set-
up guidebook in PDF format (Adobe Acrobat Reader).
The advantage with them is twofold. First they are free, and secondly they write directly to the event list in Logic, so
you do not have to configure anything other than Logic itself and the port that each object in the environment is
communicating with (usually using the OMS map)
Whilst environment pages do not offer some of the graphic subtleties of the Sound Diver implementation, they can
provide an alternative way of working with the SW1000XG for Logic users on the Macintosh.
VST 4.1 for Macintosh
Steinberg’s VST 4.1 series as of time of writing offered a few features that are not available to Windows users, most
notably the MIDI-Track mixer option.
This option is a sort of ‘souped up’ mixer-map implementation, with user definable (via a text based editing system at
present) set of sliders and knobs that can be configured to send out any MIDI sysex, controller or NRPN/RPN data to
the device listed on each loaded MIDI channel. This again allows channel by channel editing of a good few
SW1000XG synth parameters, and also control over the audio mixer from a more pleasing GUI than that offered by
mixer maps.
Yamaha provide a free set of track mixer profiles with the SW1000XG CD-ROM and also on our xgfactory.com
website. To install them, just copy the contents into your VST track mixer folder, and restart VST. You should now be
able to select a new set of SW1000XG specific objects within the track mixer. Remember that for audio control, you
need to assign an additional (at least) 12 MIDI tracks, and name then SW1000 AUDIO part 1-12, with a track mixer
applied to each of them.
We can see in the following diagram how the VST track mixer when correctly configured should look when controlling
the audio parts. You can see AD outputs and inputs, along with effect sends and the ability to read-write to and from
the event list in VST.