We can see from the previous diagram, that the SW1000XG is successfully wave profiled to run at 44.1k/24bit in
Cakewalk. You can of course run at 16bit/44.1khz should you wish (this is a preferred option if you wish to make a
final CD master of your song).
As we stated earlier, versions prior to 8.03 of Cakewalk had a small anomaly in that sysex data could not be passed
through to the connected synth. If you were to run XGEdit and Hubis loopback at the same time as Cakewalk, your
edits would not be heard, and consequently you may think that either your SW1000XG or XGEdit were not
functioning correctly.
This anomaly was rectified by Cakewalk in version 8.03, and now is a check box, which all SW1000XG owners
should tick.
The box marked ‘Echo System Exclusive’ is the important option here, you can also play around with the sysex buffer
size, for more complex MIDI passages that use lots of sysex data. You should also make sure that Cakewalk is set to
record all of the incoming data types such as Patch Changes, and controller data. It should be noted though that
playing around with the buffer sizes can cause Cakewalk (as of time of writing) to hang, so be careful. If you do
manage to crash Cakewalk by playing with the buffer size, the file ttseq.ini in the Cakewalk folder can be opened,
and edited using a text editor to reset the values back. You can also of course, just re-install Cakewalk.
If you plan to use XGEdit with Cakewalk to control the synth and audio parts, then make sure again that you have
Hubis loopback installed, and make sure that it is selected as options for MIDI in. You can also either have
SW1000XG MIDI in active in Cakewalk or in XGEDIT (but not in both due to multiclient port access restrictions).
Again the common rules apply with regards to XGEDIT/Hubis loopback and your software. Make sure that you are
not creating an infinite loop with Hubis, and make sure the output of Hubis is piped into the input of your software (in
this case Cakewalk).