You can monitor every little tiny drop of data being sent out by XGEDIT. You need to make sure you have the latest
version of MIDI-OX, which is at.
And make sure that in the menu option you select
but apart from that, it’s really easy. You move a
knob or dial in XGEDIT, and up on the MIDI-OX window appears the appropriate sysex or controller number for the
parameter you have just edited.
It’s so simple, but wickedly effective, and enabled us to write all sorts of mixer maps for the SW1000XG in record
time. How? Well it enables anyone to read what data is being sent out by an application like XGEdit, and also allows
copy and paste of this data into your software or into a user guide such as this one.
So instead of picking up the phone to Yamaha next time you get stuck with a parameter, just download MIDI-OX
(which will work with all of the rest of your studio gear as well!) and become your own 1 man MIDI-sysex tech support
expert (that is once you understand sysex).
There are a host of other tools available for XG devices on our Yamaha.co.uk/xg website. Many of them are
designed to make life easier in terms of voice selection, or effects editing. The ones we have covered in this chapter
though are truly essential.
Yamaha’s websites are always on the look out for new and innovative editing tools, and sequencers that
support XG, so if you know of one, why not email us (details in the back) and nominate your application of
So now that you are armed with this knowledge, and hopefully have downloaded the tools we will be featuring in this
guide, it’s time to move on and start covering the applications packages that most of you will be using with your
Common Questions:
1: Where can I purchase XGEdit and how much does it cost?
and the cost is £25 UK (Around 40 US Dollars). Registered users get full technical support
and free updates. If you do not have web access you can call +44 (0) 181 987 9485 (0181 987 9485 UK). This
number is for sales orders of XGWorks and XGEdit only, and not for technical support.
2: Is XGEdit compatible with Windows 96/98/NT and Windows 2000?
Yes fully.
3: Do I have to pay for MIDI-OX?
MIDI-OX as of time of writing is freeware, so no you do not have to pay for it.
4: Do I have to pay for Hubis loopback?
Again this is freeware.
5: Do I need to use the Hardware Cable tool with Hubis for it to work?
No, as you will see in future chapters, Hubis can be connected in a variety of ways to your sequencer.
6: Can I use XGEdit with XGWorks?
Yes, but it would be slightly pointless to do so, as all of the features of XGEdit are covered by XGWorks, albeit in a
different way.
7: Will the MIDI player in XGEdit playback 32-part MIDI file arrangements?
No, but we would expect you to use your professional sequencer for this anyway.