To summarise and make a few important points.
The SW1000XG is a little too complex to be supported by a DEV file in VST (a maximum of 12 sliders, and only 16
banks which is way to few to support the SW1000XG),
As of VST release 3.7, The VST Studio modules (such as MIDI Arpeggiator and delay) in Cubase will actually filter
sysex being passed through to the SW1000XG, so don’t use them when trying to record anything if you wish hear it.
Keep on top option in XGEDIT is good, but try to get your screen resolution as high as possible. Yamaha recommend
that VST should be run at a minimum resolution of 1024x768 when used with XGEdit.
If you have a PLG100 or 150-synth card and you have edited it in XGWorks, be careful when saving the voice data
out as the size of the bulk dump of voice sysex may be too big for Cubase to handle.
If you install more than 2 Hubi pipes (LB1 & LB2 is normal – LB3 & LB4 is for the more complex set-ups above) be
careful that you don’t have an infinite loopback happening inside VST and XGEDIT. Make sure that pipes feeding
one way are not looping back on themselves (the diagram in this chapter show how they should be configured)
The SW1000XG will not help with you running VST effects or Active movie style effects. It will help by reducing the
CPU load for mixing, and audio data processing (track playback) and using the on board effects instead of some of
the VST ones will obviously lighten your CPU use.
The SW1000XG will work as a 24bit audio device inside VST. This is due to the mixer section of the card outputting
in unpacked 32-bit mode (as does our DS2416 card). The option to use it at 24 bit is up to you, but you may find that
on slower machines the 16-bit option is preferred.
If the latency figure for the MME/ASIO driver is too high for you, then download the Yamaha ASIO driver, which
reduces the overhead by a factor of 5. Remember though that lower ASIO figures generally increase the amount of
work that the host CPU has to do. The default setting for the Yamaha ASIO driver should not however increase the
amount of CPU used in VST, as this is an optimal setting for the card.
If you use the loopback record option, make sure that when you go to playback your stereo track, you don’t pass it
back through the same effects you just printed it with. The best way is to play all audio back via a correctly panned
(hard left and right) pair of audio ports, that have the volume set to full, and do not have any effects send levels
applied to them. Also make sure your master EQ setting is flat when playing back tracks you have re-loopback-
recorded (The EQ can be set flat in XGEdit for example) so that you don’t overload the output stage of your card, and
don’t re-apply the EQ.
Another option that you should check is in the Cubase File/Preferences window. Marked ‘Leave MIDI File track data
as is’ This will stop Cubase from throwing all of your data into the Cubase inspector track, which can corrupt XG
sysex data ordering.
Be careful with the options for reset of controller data in Cubase also, as they can affect NRPN and controller based
drum edits. These can be found in the MIDI options dialog box of Cubase.
In the section on linkup to the DS2416 we will cover more aspects of the SW1000XG under VST, but for now, that is
about it on VST.