Logic Audio is designed as a high-level MIDI + audio workstation. This means that it has untold possibilities when it
comes to mixing and audio processing. Supporting its own effects processor plug ins, along with many third party
active movie style plug ins. Again, the use of the SW1000XG will not offload the amount of CPU required by these
plug ins. However with the SW1000XG’s effects processors offering so much, you may never need to use a third
party plug in again.
As you can see from the following conceptual diagram, you can create as many input channels as there are audio
tracks in your sequence. This applies to any software being used with the SW1000XG. (In Logic there will be as
many channel faders as there are tracks.) The output of each channel can be freely assigned to an output bus, and
you can have up six stereo output buses (a total of twelve channels; the number of audio outputs provided by the
This design means that these "output buses" are similar in concept to the "Group Buses" which one sees on in-line
mixing consoles. Each channel can be assigned to the desired output bus for grouping. For example, output buses 1-
2 might be used for the overall vocals, and 3-4 for the overall effects.
The final stereo output from the SW combines these group buses. So if you use XGEdit’s analogue control mixer as
the last stage in your mix, then you will get the real-time response that it offers, the zero CPU hit that it offers, and
also a simple way of controlling effects sends on the card.