color will change from blue to gray (by default, user “admin” is super user, you
can’t modify its rights, it has the whole rights).
Camera Playback Right
Select the cameras can be play backed by the
user you are setting. The cameras you can select include the cameras of local
board card and IP Cameras. By default, every user is granted to playback
video data of all cameras. To deny access, you can click the desired camera
button and the color will change from blue to gray.
Camera Audio Right
Select cameras whose audio can be heard by the
use you are setting. The cameras you can select include the cameras of local
board card and IP Cameras. By default, every user is granted to check audio of
all cameras. To deny access, you can click the desired camera button and the
color will change from blue to gray.
PTZ Control Right
Select the cameras that related PTZ can be
controlled by the user you are setting.
The cameras you can select include the
cameras of local board card and IP Cameras.
User Access Right
Select operational tasks, granting or denying rights.
Operational tasks are normally reserved for administrative, privileged accounts.
Operators are rarely granted rights to adjust camera color, exit program,
explore files etc.
When manager doesn
’t want some operators to manage disk or backup
data locally, he should not check the their rights for those users. For example,
“admin” doesn’t want “user” to own the two rights, he should select “user” first,
and click
“Modify”, and then, check the “V” in front of “Disk Management” and
“Local Backup”.
Setup Right
Select setup rights to grant or deny user privileges.