Basic Operation
As a licensed GMRS user you are allowed to use any of the channels. The channel you
choose isn’t as important as making sure it’s the same channel the rest of your group is
using. Be sure the channel you select is also supported by the equipment everyone else
in your group is using.
Most rules for GMRS are the same for all channels, but there are a few differences,
particularly concerning output power. GMRS channels can be broken up into 4 groups,
with the following differences:
Transmitting on channels 1-7 is limited to 5 watts of output power.
Transmitting on channels 8-14 is limited to a half watt of output power. The
KG-1000G Plus is not capable of transmitting on these channels, as it is prohibited
by the FCC for mobile radios to do so (although you can listen).
Transmitting on channels 15-22 is limited to 50 watts of output power.
Channels 23-30 receive on the same frequencies as channels 15-22, but transmit on
a special offset frequency set aside for repeaters. See page 42 for more informa-
tion about using the KG-1000G Plus with repeaters.