Basic Operation
hold the AREA key on the transceiver for 2 seconds to enter and exit Weather Mode.
(2) [MHZ] Frequency or Channel Selection Hotkey
When the transceiver is in frequency mode, press the [MHZ] key to enter a specific
frequency. Eight hyphens will appear. Enter the 6 digit frequency. The last 2 digits will
be automatically entered, based on the following:
1. When the 6th digit is 0 or 5, then the 7th and 8th digits will be 0.
2. When the 6th digit is not 0 or 5, the 7th and 8th digits will be 25, 50 or 75 ac-
cording to the 6.25k step frequency of the 5th digit.
If any keys other than 0-9 are pressed while entering the 6-digit frequency, it will exit
the frequency setting.
In channel mode, press the [MHZ] key to tune to a specific channel number. The first
digit of the current channel number will begin flashing. Enter the desired channel num-
ber using 3 digits. For example, if you would like channel 9, enter 009.