This command must be the last in a series of commands. For
example, the following would be a typical multi-command
! U1 MCR 80 T2 (CR)(LF)(EOT)
where CR is ASCII 13
LF is ASCII 10
The statement causes the RF Terminal to transmit the string
"!U1 MCR 80 T2 CR LF" to the Cameo printer. The printer then
wakes up and blinks to indicate the magstripe input is ready to be
swiped; when the swipe is complete, the Terminal sends back the
data to the host computer as:
ID+T2:Data on Card+CR (the printer's CR LF stuff is stripped)
If the request is for Track 1 and Track 2, the data sent back is
ID+T1:data on 1+T2:data on 2+CR
Every statement must end with a data entry “prompt” command,
whether the statement is a single command by itself or several
commands combined together. Any illegal statement will be
ignored as a command but will be displayed on the addressed RF
Terminal display exactly as written. If no Terminal ID was
included in the statement, it will try to display the invalid statement
on ID 0. Once the ENTER key is pressed on the Terminal
displaying the invalid statement, the terminal sends the Base
Station a “?” character. The Base Station then in turn sends the
?CR (where
is the Terminal ID and CR is a carriage
return) back to the Host computer.
The “Clear lines” command (@Cx) for the 4 line displays differ
slightly from the “Clear lines” command for the current 6 line