3.2.2 Preheating
To ensure that the correct temperature is applied to the
fl oor from the fi rst moment, the machine should be prehea-
ted. To do this, bring the machine into the preheating posi-
tion (Fig. D) by swiveling the heating air fan backwards.
Now the machine can be switched on via the I/0 key and
starts preheating.
The temperature exceeds the preset value for a short time
in order to ensure a fast heating of the nozzles and is then
regulated to the preset value. As soon as this value is
maintained, preheating is complete.
3.2.3 Starting the welding process
To start the welding process, the heating air blower must
be swiveled back to the starting position to the left (Fig. D).
Then the heating air blower is pressed down (Fig. E) until
the holding plate is held by the magnet. At this moment,
the Weldmaster 2.0 starts to run independently at the
preset speed.
Speed and temperature can also be changed during the
welding process as described in 3.1.2.
3.2.4 End welding process
The heatsealing process is automatically terminated when
the wall switch-off (Fig. A pos. 5) is actuated. This can be
done either by approaching a wall or manually.
When the wall shut-off is activated, the drive motor stops,
the holding magnet releases the holding plate and the
heating air blower moves to the upper position to avoid
burning the substrate.
To avoid unnecessary heating of the wire feed-through, the
machine should remain in this position for as short a time
as possible. If the machine is not to be used for further
work, it is recommended to switch off the machine, move
the heating air blower to the preheating position or use the
cool-down mode.
3.2.5 Reworking the weld seam
The welding wire protrusion can then be repelled in two
operations. The specifi cations of the welding or fi ller wire
manufacturers must be observed here.
3.2.6 Cooling the machine
Cool down the machine after welding. By switching on the
cool-down mode (described under 3.1.3), the machine is
automatically cooled down to a temperature of 50°C before
it then switches itself off .
4.0 Transport
Before placing the machine in the transport case, check
the temperature of the machine (especially the welding
nozzle) and, if necessary, use the cool-down function to
cool down the machine.
The heating air fan must be lowered before placing the
machine in the transport case.
5.0 Maintenance and cleaning
► Before any work on the machine itself, pull the mains
► For safe and proper working, always keep the machine
and ventilation slots clean.
The machine must then be sent to an after-sales
Service agent. Addresses are listed in the Section
“After- sales service and customer assistance”.
If the machine should fail despite the care taken in
manufacturing and testing procedures, repair should be
carried out by an after-sales service centre for WOLFF
power tools.
In all correspondence and spare parts orders, please
always include the machine number specifi ed on the
type plate of the machine.
5.1 The Weldmaster 2.0 is nearly maintenance-
The hot air nozzle, the feed tube and the rollers should be
cleaned from fl oor covering residues from time to time. The
feed tube can be removed from the machine by turning
black "ball"screw.
The linear guide (Fig. B pos. 1) must be cleaned regularly
with a clean cloth and then lubricated. (e.g. with Würth
The intake opening of the heating air blower (fi gure A pos.
6) must be blown out regularly to remove dust.
5.2 Spare parts
Spare parts can be found on the internet at:
http://webcatalog.wolff -tools.com