Chapter 5
Working Instructions WIDOS ASM 315 WM
Page 23 of 45
5.3. Welding
T h e r e s p e c t i v e l y v a l i d w e l d i n g p r e s c r i p t i o n s ( I S O / C E N / D V S . . . ) a r e t o
b e b a s i c a l l y f o l l o w e d .
Wear safety gloves as protection against combustion!
In order to obtain a good welding result, it is indispensable to scrape and
clean the welding surfaces at both pipes!
A welding table must be available from which the parameters for the pipe dimensions to be
welded prescribed by the welding prescriptions may be taken.
A stop-watch must be available to record the actual times for heating and cooling.
The heating element surfaces are to be clean and, above all, free from grease.
Therefore they are to be cleaned with non-fraying paper and detergent (e.g. PE cleaner)
before every welding or if they are dirty.
The anti-stick coating of the heating element is to be undamaged in the working area.
Connect the heating element with control (chapter: 4.2). Switch on the control and set the
necessary welding temperature (chapter: 4.2.1).
Check the activating of table spring, otherwise loosen the star screw (3).
Insert the branch pipe with sufficient overhang leftwards into the clamping tool, adjust to the
main pipe and clamp (chapter: 4.4).
Learn the adjusting force for the pipe dimension to be welded from the welding table.
It may be necessary to heat the main pipe on one side in advance in case of
larger wall thickness of the main pipe.
For this purpose put an appropriate spacer between branch pipe and heating
element (e.g. out of PTFE).
Put the heating element between branch pipe
and main pipe and take care that the heating
element is underneath the main pipe and onto
the machine table (arrow).
Drive the branch pipe including heating element
with cross handle (chapter: 4.1 no. 8) to the main
pipe in until the aligning force has been reached.
The applied force may be read from the scale (4)
at the left machine table. Fix force with the
clamping lever (5).
Learn the heating time, max. change-over time, cooling time and bead height from the
welding table resp. determine these values.
After having reached the prescribed revolving bead height reduce the force to the heating
force (heating force = appr. 10% of the aligning force). For this purpose hold the cross
handle (8) fixed, release the clamping lever (5), adjust force by the cross handle (8) (do not
open) and fix it again.
Now the heating time starts. Press the stop-watch and compare the actual time with the
nominal time taken from the welding table resp. take the determined value.