3.3.7 2414 RI control panel
The 2414 Refractive Index detector's control panel displays signal measurement,
peak polarity, and the temperatures of the flow cell and external column manager.
Run status LED – Mirrors the run status LED on the front panel of the detector,
unless communications with the detector are interrupted.
Signal measurement – Displays the signal, in µRIU.
Current flow cell temperature – Displays the current flow cell temperature.
Flow cell temperature set point – Displays the set point for the flow cell
Peak polarity – Displays the polarity of the output signal. If the polarity is
negative, the chromatogram is inverted.
Status – Displays the status of the current operation.
You can access these additional functions by right-clicking anywhere in the detector
control panel.
Table 3–10: Additional functions in the 2414 RI detector control panel
Control panel function
Resets the detector's offsets.
Launch Console
Launches the console software.
Reset module
Resets the detector after an error condition.
Displays the console online Help.
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