Table 3–3: Detector LED descriptions
Detector LED
If the detector is equipped with a lamp, the lamp is extinguished.
If the detector is not equipped with a lamp, the detector is idle.
Steady green
If the detector is equipped with a lamp, the lamp is ignited. If the
detector is not equipped with a lamp, the detector is operating
Flashing green
The detector is initializing or calibrating.
Flashing red
An error stopped the detector's operation. Refer to the console log
for information about the error.
Steady red
A failure is preventing the detector from operating. If, after you
cycle power to the detector, the LED remains red, report the
problem to Waters Technical Service.
3.3 Monitoring from control panels
You can monitor the sample manager, solvent manager, column module, and
detector from control panels, which you access via the chromatography data system.
When Empower software controls the system, the control panels appear at the
bottom of the Run Samples window. When MassLynx software controls the system,
the control panels appear on the Additional Status tab of the Inlet Editor window.
You can update a parameter set point directly from a control panel, providing sample
analysis is not running. When the parameter value is underscored and appears in
blue, sample analysis is not running, and you can click the parameter value and
specify a new value in the dialog box that appears.
3.3.1 SM FTN-R control panel
The control panel of the Sample Manager Flow Through Needle-R (SM FTN-R)
displays the current temperatures of the sample compartment and column heater,
their set points, and the selected column.
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