• Column module (30-cm Column Heater, 30-cm Column Heater/Cooler, or 30-cm
Column Heater-Active)
• Detectors (ultra violet/visible, photodiode array, evaporative light scattering,
fluorescence, refractive index, or mass spectrometer) Quaternary solvent manager-R
The quaternary solvent manager-R (QSM-R) is a low-pressure mixing, high-pressure
pump. It provides steady (pulse-free) solvent flow at analytical flow rates to 5
mL/min at 9,500 PSI (655 bar). The quaternary solvent manager can pump four
degassed solvents simultaneously using a gradient proportioning valve (GPV) to
dynamically create a specified composition. Sample manager flow through needle-R
The sample manager flow through needle-R (SM FTN-R) uses a direct-injection
mechanism to inject samples drawn from plates and vials onto a chromatographic
column. Optional extension loops, installed between the sample needle and the
injection valve, can increase the injection volume beyond that of the sample needle.
The sample manager flow through needle can also dilute samples using the auto-
dilution option.
The 50 µL extension loop is included in the standard configuration. 30-cm column heater and 30-cm column heater/cooler
The 30-cm Column Heater (30-cm CH) and 30-cm Column Heater/Cooler (30-cm
CHC) are the standard column heating and column heating/cooling modules that
manage and maintain column temperature for ACQUITY Arc systems. Except for the
30-cm CHC module's cooling capability and the additional components required to
support this capability, the modules are identical.
The 30-cm CH module can control compartment temperatures between 20 and 65º
C. Compartment temperature set points range from 5º C above the ambient
temperature to 65º C. The 30-cm CHC module can control compartment
temperatures as high as 65º C. It is capable of heating from 5º C above the ambient
temperature to 65º C, whichever temperature is higher, and of cooling to 15º C
below the ambient temperature or 4º C, whichever temperature is higher.
The base configuration of both modules includes a passive pre-heater that helps
achieve the column's set-point temperature within the column compartment. Both
modules support the column-selection valve option that provides automated column
switching to method conditions. The 30-cm CH and 30-cm CHC column compartment
accommodates LC columns with dimensions up to 7.8-mm internal diameter (ID),
and 30-cm long.
If your system configuration includes multiple column compartments,
you can operate the system using only one column compartment at a time.
June 12, 2015, 715004747 Rev. A
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