the Hand Time Limit (programmed in the next menu) expires or until the controller power is
mode is handy to prevent the relay from activating while you are changing set points. The
mode is handy to be able to test the pump or valve, wiring, etc. without needing to change
set point.
Event Log
Click on the link to view the event log. The event log contains the date and time of each relay
activation and deactivation, as well as the state of each Interlock, Level Switch, or Generic digital
Type of Event
Status to generate a ‘1’ in the log
Status to generate a ‘0’ in the log
Relay output
Relay activated
Relay not activated
Interlock DI
In the Interlock state as defined in
the Interlock page
In the non-Interlock state as defined in
the Interlock page
Level Switch DI In the Low Alarm state as defined
in the Level Switches page
In the Normal state as defined in the
Level Switches page
Generic DI –
Alarm selected
In the Alarm state as defined in the
Generic Inputs page
In the Normal state as defined in the
Generic Inputs page
Generic DI – No
Alarm selected
Switch closed
Switch open
A window will open to ask if you would like to open the file or save it to disk. Select the method
you would like to use. The file is .csv (comma separated variable) file that will open in a
spreadsheet such as Excel.
6.21 Relay (1 – 8) Output Menus – Cycles of Concentration Types
This page is used to activate the relay based on a set point that is the ratio of two conductivity
sensor input readings. This option is only available if at least two sensors are defined as
conductivity sensors.
You may also change the Relay Control Mode here. If you do, you will have to reselect the Input
Assignment as well.
This section assumes that the Relay Control Mode is set to Cycles of Concentration. Other control
mode types are described in other sections of the manual.
Relay Control Mode
Click on the arrow of the pull down menu and select the way that you want to control the relay.
See Section 6.2 for details on each control mode.
Sys. Cond. Input Assignment
Click on the arrow of the pull down menu to select the conductivity sensor that is installed in the
cooling tower water.
Makeup Cond. Input Assignment
Click on the arrow of the pull down menu to select the conductivity sensor that is installed in the
makeup water.