Relay Output Menu – Time Proportional
Set Point
Full scale range of the input parameter
Sample Period
1 to 1440 minutes
Proportional Band
Full scale range of the input parameter
Output Time Limit
0 =
, 1 to 1440 minutes
Hand Time Limit
1 to 1440 minutes
Relay Output Menu – Feed with Another Relay
Output Time Limit
0 =
, 1 to 1440 minutes
Hand Time Limit
1 to 1440 minutes
Relay Output Menu – Feed after Another Relay (Fixed Time)
Fixed Time to Feed
0 to 1440 minutes
Hand Time Limit
1 to 1440 minutes
Relay Output Menu – Flow Based Feed
Volume to trigger Feed
1 to 99,999 (units defined by user)
Feed Time per unit Volume
1 second to 1440 minutes
Output Time Limit
0 =
, 1 to 1440 minutes
Hand Time Limit
1 to 1440 minutes
Relay Output Menu – Biocide Timer Based
Output On-Time
0 =
, 1 to 1440 min
Hand Time Limit
1 to 1440 minutes
Relay Output Menu – Feed After Another Relay (%)
% of Relay to Feed
0 to 100%
Output Time Limit
0 =
, 1 to 1440 minutes
Hand Time Limit
1 to 1440 minutes
Relay Output Menu – Feed as % Time
Time Period
1 – 1440 minutes
% of Period to Feed
0.1 to 100%
Output Time Limit
0 =
, 1 to 1440 minutes
Hand Time Limit
1 to 1440 minutes
Relay Output Menu – Cycles of Concentration
Cycles Set Point
1 – 50 cycles
Cycles Dead band
0.01 – 20 cycles
Cycles Low Alarm
0 – 50 cycles
Cycles High Alarm
0 – 50 cycles
Output Time Limit
0 =
, 1 to 1440 minutes
Hand Time Limit
1 to 1440 minutes