Assign pH Input
Click on the arrow of the pull down menu to select the sensor input that is used for the pH. If there
is no pH sensor installed, and it is necessary to manually enter the pH, select Not Used.
The pH reading from the selected sensor is displayed here. If the sensor is Not Used, a text box
will allow manual entry of the pH.
6.41 VTouch
only appears if a VTouch activation is enabled from the Communications menu)
This menu is used to select the data that will be sent to and displayed on the VTouch web site.
There is a list of all parameters available, with “Yes” and “No” radio buttons to select under a
column called “Send to VTouch”. Select Yes for any parameter that should be displayed on the
VTouch site.
When the Submit button is clicked, your changes will be saved, and a new VTouch Configuration
packet will be sent to VTouch containing the names, units of measure, and the latest data for each
VTouch Communications Settings
This section is used to adjust the VTouch data update settings.
Enable Service
Use the pulldown to enable or disable the data updates.
Data Refresh Rate
Enter the number of minutes between data updates. In VCell activations, the minimum number is
more limited.
Last Config Date & Time
This line displays the last time that a Configuration Packet was attempted to be sent. It will show
“OK” if it was successful.
Last Data Date & Time
This line displays the last time that a Data Packet was attempted to be sent. It will show “OK” if it
was successful.
Click the Download Log link to download a CSV file that may be opened in Excel, that details the
date and time of each packet sent and if it was successful or not.