Chlorine or Chlorine Dioxide Calibration
1 pt Process Cal
Ensure that the sensor is conditioned and equilibrated to the temperature of the sample.
Ensure that the sample flow rate is between 30 and 100 liters/hour.
Perform a test on the sample water for the oxidizer concentration.
Enter the 1 point process calibration menu.
Step 1 will display the current ppm reading of the water. When the reading is stable, use the Arrow
keys to fill in the new value, then press the Enter key to highlight ‘CONTINUE’, then press Enter
again to put the value into memory.
At the end of the calibration, the display will tell you if the calibration was successful or if the
calibration failed. If successful, press the Enter key after the sensor has been replaced into the
sample stream to resume control. If failed, refer to Section 8 for troubleshooting help.
Zero Cal
A zero calibration must be performed on initial installation, or after cleaning or replacing the
membrane or electrolyte. This step must be done prior to the process calibration.
Remove the sensor from the flow cell and place it in a beaker of clean, oxidizer-free water.
Allow the sensor 15 minutes to equilibrate to the water temperature.
Enter the Zero Cal menu.
Step 1 will display the current mV reading from the sensor.
Stir the water with the sensor until the mV reading is stable for at least 5 minutes.
When the reading is stable, press Enter to continue.
If the value is within the range of calibration, it will display “Cal Successful”. Press the Enter key
after replacing the sensor in the flow cell.
If not, it will display “Calibration Failed!” Refer to Section 8 for troubleshooting.
4-20 mA Input 1-8 Calibration
Calibrate 4 mA
Following the instructions for your 4-20 mA transmitter, supply the WebMasterONE controller
with a 4 mA signal from the transmitter. You should verify that the transmitter is accurate by
measuring the output with an ammeter. You can read the present value of the mA signal as
measured by the controller on the top line of the display. If the value is not exactly 4 mA, press the
Enter key when the cursor is on “Calibrate 4 mA”.
Once this is done, the controller will read the
transmitter signal as exactly 4 mA.
The transmitter signal must be +/- 2 mA of the expected 4 mA value, or else the calibration will
Calibrate 20 mA
Repeat this process, supplying the controller with a 20 mA signal from the transmitter, and press
the Enter key when the cursor is on the “Calibrate 20 mA” to make the present value exactly 20
The transmitter signal must be +/- 2 mA of the expected 20 mA value, or else the calibration will