Total Alarm Limit
You may specify a total number of counts accumulated above which an alarm message will occur.
Type this in the text box. You must go to the Alarm page to specify that this alarm condition is a
critical alarm in order to close the alarm relay or send an email or call a pager.
Rate High Alarm
You may specify a contact rate above which an alarm message will occur. Type this in the text
box. You must go to the Alarm page to specify that this alarm condition is a critical alarm in order
to close the alarm relay or send an email or call a pager.
Rate Low Alarm
You may specify a contact rate below which an alarm message will occur. Type this in the text
box. You must go to the Alarm page to specify that this alarm condition is a critical alarm in order
to close the alarm relay or send an email or call a pager.
6.18 Digital Inputs Menu
This page is used to assign the function of the devices attached to each digital input. These are
normally already defined in the Start up page.
Use the pull-downs to define each input as
Not Used
, C
ontacting Flow Meter, Paddlewheel Flow
Meter, Counter, Interlock, Level Switch, Feed Verification
Generic Input
. Click on the
“Submit” button to save the changes.
6.19 Relay (1 – 8) Output Menus – On/Off Set Point types
This page is used to select the set point, dead band, etc. Which units of measure appear depends
upon how the input assigned to the relay is configured. If you make changes to the Input
Assignment, you will need to click on the “Submit” button in order to see all the correct units.
You may also change the Relay Control Mode here. If you do, you will have to reselect the Input
Assignment as well.
This section assumes that the Relay Control Mode is set to On/Off Set Point. Other control mode
types are described in sections to follow.
Relay Control Mode
Click on the arrow of the pull down menu and select the way that you want to control the relay.
See Section 6.2 for details on each control mode.
Relay Input Assignment
Click on the arrow of the pull down menu and select the input that will be used to control the
relay. See Section 6.2 for details.
Current Reading
This field is for information only, and will display the calibrated reading from the sensor that is
assigned to control the relay.