4.6.4 Direct Modem Access: Direct Tap
Equipment Required
An Internet-ready computer.
An active analog phone line, direct to the controller (without a PBX system in between) must
be connected to the modem of the WebMasterONE.
Features Required in the WebMasterONE
The WebMasterONE must have the modem option installed in order to communicate via
Direct Tap.
Utilities you need to set up on your computer
A Windows dialup networking adapter must be created. Refer to the Quick Start Guide
instructions for this procedure.
Parameters that need to be programmed into the WebMasterONE
The WebMasterONE is capable of this type of communication without any programming by
the user prior to attempting the communication.
Steps Required to Establish a Connection
Create the dialup networking adapter on your PC. This needs to done only once for each PC
that will be used to communicate with a WebMasterONE controller.
Use the dialup networking adapter to connect the PC to the WebMasterONE.
Open Internet Explorer.
Type in the address The sign-on screen for the WebMasterONE will come up.
The sign-on screen of the WebMasterONE will come up. Type the User Name and Password
(Access Code) in the text boxes and click the Submit button. The default user name is
"webmaster" and the default passwords are "2001" for full access, "2002" for calibration only,
and "2003" for read only. These defaults can and should be changed in the Access Code page.
Hard coded
Fixed IP Address:
Web Browser
Web Server