Edit Device
Use this function edit the devices learnt into the
Control Panel in
Add Device
Step 1.
Edit /-
and press
Step 2.
Devices that have already been learnt
in will be displayed along with their
zone numbers (Z01, Z02, etc.)
D C Z 0 1
I R Z 0 2
The available of devices are listed as
Door Contact --- DC
PIR Sensor --- IR
Pet Immune PIR Sensor--IRP
External PIR --- EIR
Remote Controller --- RC
Carbon Monoxide --- CO
Smoke Detector --- SD
Water Sensor --- WS
Panic Button --- PB
Night Switch --- NS
Remote Keypad --- KP
Indoor Siren --- SR
Outdoor Bellbox --- BX
Power Switch --- PSS
Power Switch Meter --- PSM
PIR Camera --- 852/862
Step 3.
Step the device you want to edit, press
to confirm.
P e r i m e t e r
P e r . F o l l o w e r
I n
t e
r i o
I n t . F o l l o w
e r
I n
/ D
l a
E n t r y 1
E n t r y 2
H o m e / D e l a y
S i l e n t B u r g l a r
B u r g l a r O u t d o o r
2 4 H R
F i r e
M e d i c a l / E m g .
Wa t e r
S e t / U n s e t
S i l e n t P a n i c
P e r s o n
l A
t t .
T r i g g e r
S c e n e
Step 4
. You will enter attribute setting page for
the device. The device attribute
determines this device’s behavior,
please refer to attribute list below to
select an attribute.
When the system is in Away and
Home Arm mode, or counting
down Entry / Exit Delay Timer, if
a “
” device is
triggered, a “
Burglar Alarm
” will
be activated immediately and
Perimeter, Follower
Away and Home Arm Mode:
When the system is in Away and
Home Arm mode, if a
Perimeter, Follower
” device is
triggered, a “
Burglar Alarm
” will
be activated immediately and
Away and Home Arm Entry
When the system is counting
down Away or Entry Entry Delay
Timer, if a “
” device is triggered,
the Control Panel will wait until
the Entry Timer expires before
activating a “
Burglar Alarm
”. If
the system is disarmed before
Entry Time expires, the Control
Panel will not respond.
Exit Delay:
When the system is counting
down Exit Delay Timer, if a
Perimeter, Follower
” device is
triggered, the Control Panel will
not respond.
Away and Home Arm Mode:
When the system is in Away
Arm mode, if an “
device is triggered, a “
” will be activated
immediately and reported.