VTK-VS-BA-015e-A | User Manual MDS 3200+ Series
With a micro dispensing of the MDS 3000 line from Vermes Microdispensing you have bought a
high quality product. Due to the long-standing experience of the team in regards to electronic de-
vices and piezo controls, these products provide highest functionality and reliability.
Thank you very much for your trust in us.
We will now show you how to assemble and use the microdispensing system. In order not to im-
pair the inherent safety concept of the system, procedures described in this manual have to be fol-
lowed consequently during installation and operation.
Read this manual before you start the assembly and always consult it during the use of the
microdispensing system. Start with the chapter “Safety Notes”
. This will help to pre-
vent any problems for the user or the equipment. In the case of further questions, consult our
Technical Support.
Technical Support
VERMES Microdispensing GmbH
Palnkamer Str. 18
83624 Otterfing
+49 (0) 80 24 6 44-26
Fax.: +49 (0) 80 24 6 44-19
Service hours Monday - Friday 9.00 to 17.00
The MDS 3000 Product Family
The MDS models are members of the MDS 3000 product family, specialized in most accurate dis-
pensing and designed for flexible use with substances of low, medium and high viscosity
(up to
2.000.000 mPas).
Applications can be found in the fields of SMT and in the production of electron-
ics, semiconductors and photovoltaic modules and many more.
Each microdispensing system belonging to the MDS 3000 product family is composed of a high pre-
cision valve based on a piezoelectric element
(MDV series
), a control unit (
MDC series
) and an op-
tional selectable supply unit.
Due to its compact modular design, the system can be integrated quickly into any existing produc-
tion environment without major preparatory work. A change in the production line
(e.g. a modifi-
cation of the liquid to be processed)
is easily possible, since all of the dispensing parameters are
adjustable in a large range. Fine-tuning of the sequence is therefore possible at any time. The sys-
tem allows for reproducible proportioning of hundreds of identical single dots
(0,3 nl up to
> 200 µl)
or beads within a few seconds.
A comprehensive choice of accessories is available, e.g. nozzle inserts, tappets, seals and supply
units, so that the system can easily be adapted to new challenges any time, without giving rise to
major investment.
Valves compatible with MDC 3200
The base of each Microdispensing System of the MDS 3200
series is the control unit MDC 3200
which is then combined with a valve. This can be any valve of the series MDV 3200A or MDV
3200F. This is a complete list:
MDV 3200F
(Order no. 1012887)
MDV 3200F-HS
(Order no. 1013143)
MDV 3200A-CA
(Order no. 1012911)
MDV 3200A-CP
(Order no. 1012852)
MDV 3200A-HS
(Order no. 1012973)
(Order no. 1012986)
MDV 3200A
(Order no. 1012270)
MDV 3200A-AC
(Order no. 1012902)
(Order no. 1012865)