Discipline Source
3. Verify that
1PPS Signal Health = Valid
, to confirm that the one-pulse-per-second signal is being detected.
4. Set
Discipline Profile = Custom.
5. Set Time
Constant (s) = 60
(this small window is only used to expedite the initial phase alignment process).
6. Set
Discipline Threshold (ns) = 100
(a more stringent 50ns could also be tried, if applicable. Use the Phase Graph to determine the
stability range).
7. Verify that
Disciplining Status = Acquiring.
This indicates that the disciplining process is in progress.
8. Tap on the
Phase Graph
to monitor the relative phase error until it becomes a horizontal line close to 0ns. The time required for this
may vary (it should take less than 15 minutes)
9. Close the Phase Graph and set the
Time Constant (s) = 900
. You can also experiment with larger time constants (e.g. 1800s, 3600s,
5400s). The larger the constant the more stringent the disciplining process becomes and the longer it takes to achieve disciplining lock.
To declare lock, the Atomic Clock verifies that the relative phase stays within the defined Disciplining Threshold for about 2x Time
Constant (to confirm its stability). You can use the Phase Graph to monitor the actual phase variations on your current GNSS
environment for the past 600s.
Discipline Source Phase Measurement
1. Open the
Phase Graph
again to monitor the time error. Once it stabilizes again around 0ns, wait for about 60 minutes. The line should
stay flat and very close to 0ns. If not stable, please check the GPS satellites and antenna installation.
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