Seats, interior
Do not perform any m odifica tions to the
com ponents of the airbag system s, as
this will render the vehic le unroadw orthy.
We recom mend hav ing the steering
wheel, the instrument p anel, all panelling
parts, the door seals, the hand les and
the front seats removed by a workshop
in the ev ent of triggering of the airbags.
When disposing of the v ehicle, please
ob serve the applicab le safety
regulations. Please have the vehicle
disposed of by c om pany which reuses
vehicle parts.
The system for deactivating the front
passenger seat’s airba g systems is
indica ted a stick er on the side of the
instrument panel, visible when pa ssenger’s
door is open.
The systems can be triggered ab ruptly
and cause injury if they are handled
im properly.
Child restraint systems as well as other
heavy objects must never be carried on
the lap of passengers; risk of fa tal injury.
While using a child restraint system on
the front passeng er’s seat, the airbag
systems for the front passenger’s seat
must b e d eactivated; if not, the
trig gering of the front or side a irb ag
poses the risk of fatal injury to the child.
This is especially the case if rearward-
facing child restraint systems are used on
the front passeng er’s seat.