Service, maintenance
General Motors Portugal
Quinta d a Fonte
Ed ificío Fernão M agalhães, Piso 2
2780-190 Pa ço d’Arc os – Portugal
Tel. 00 351-21 440 75 00
General Motors Southeast Europe,
org. z ložk a
Apollo Business Centre
Mlynské Nivy 45
821 09 Bra tislava – S lovakia
Tel. 00 421-2 58 275 543
General Motors España S.L.
Paseo de la Castellana, 91
28046 M adrid – Spa in
Tel. 00 34-902 25 00 25
General Motors N orden AB
Årstaä ngv ägen 17
100 73 S tockholm – S weden
Tel. 00 46-20 333 000
General Motors Suisse S.A.
Stelzenstraße 4
8152 Glattbrugg – Switzerland
Tel. 00 41-44 828 28 80
General Motors Türkiye Ltd. Sti.
Kemalpa sa yolu üz eri
35861 Torb al
zmir – Turkey
Tel. 00 90-2 32-8 53-14 53
Alb ania, Bosnia-H erzegovina ,
Bulga ria, Croatia, Estonia, La tvia ,
Lithuania, Macedonia, Montenegr o,
Roma nia, S erbia and S lovenia
please consult the Genera l Motors
Service Department at Bud aörs – H ungary
Tel. 00 36-23 446 100
Inspection system
In order to guarantee econom ical and safe
vehicle operation and to m ainta in the
value of your v ehicle, it is of vital
importanc e that all maintenance work is
carried out at the proper intervals, as
specified b y Vauxhall in the Service
Book let. Time or mileage / kilom etre
intervals - whichever is reached first -
determine when your vehicle is due for its
next serv ice.
In the case of low mileage / k ilometre
accumulation with frequent cold starts or
predominantly urban traffic and stop-and-
go traffic, an additional eng ine oil and
filter change is recommend ed.
You will find the Service Booklet in the
glove com partment.
Have service work – and rep air work to
body and equipment – ca rried out by
professionals, in accordance with Va uxha ll
Motors’ recommend ations using Vauxhall
genuine pa rts and a ccessories. We
recommend that you consult your Vauxhall
Authorised Repairer, who ha s excellent
know ledge of Vauxhall vehicles, and has
the special tools and the latest Vauxhall
Serv ic e Instruc tions.
It is particula rly adv isable to use a
Vauxhall Authorised Repairer during the
warranty period, to avoid loss of warranty
claims. See Serv ic e Booklet for additional
Sepa rate anti-p er for ation inspection
Hav e this inspection performed regularly,
either within the scope of a Service or
sepa ra tely, see Servic e Booklet.
Vauxhall genuine parts and
We recommend “Vauxhall genuine parts
and a ccessories” and conversion parts
released exp ressly for your vehicle type.
These parts ha ve undergone specia l tests
to establish their reliability, safety and
spec ific suitability for your vehicle. Despite
continuous market monitoring, we cannot
assess or g ua ra ntee these attributes for
other p roducts, even if they have been
granted approval by the relevant
authorities or in some other form.
"Vauxhall genuine parts and accessories"
and c onversion pa rts app rov ed b y
Vauxhall can be obtained from your
Vauxhall Authorised Repairer, who can
give adv ice about permitted technical
changes a nd correct insta lla tion.