Service, maintenance
The fluid level in the container must not be
higher than the "MAX" mark or lower than
the "MIN" mark.
Use of some brake fluid s could c ause
dam age or im pair braking effectiveness.
Stay well informed. We recomm end that
you use Vauxhall-approved high
performance brake fluid.
Extreme cleanliness is important, sinc e
brake fluid contamination can lead to
brake system malfunctions.
After correcting the brake fluid lev el, ha ve
the c ause of the loss remedied by a
workshop .
Brake fluid change
As brak e fluid is hygroscopic, it ab sorbs
water. Vapour bubbles which impair the
braking effect may occur during braking.
The fluid change intervals specified in the
Serv ic e Booklet must therefore be
ob served.
Windscreen wiper
Clear v ision is essential for safe driving.
Perform regular check s on the windsc reen
wiper to ensure it is operating correctly.
We recommend wiper blade rep la cement
at least onc e a yea r.
If the windsc reen is dirty, operate the
windscreen wash system before switching
on the wind screen wiper. This will avoid
wiper blade wear.
Do not switch on the windscreen wiper if
the wind screen is iced up, as this could
dam age the wiper blades or the wiper
If the wiper bec om es frozen on to the glass,
we recomm end that it be released with the
aid of Vauxhall De-icer Spray before
starting the vehicle, to p revent wiper m otor
dam age.
Hav e b ra ke fluid changed by a
workshop , who will be familiar with the
req uirements of the law as regards
disposal of brake fluid, and can thus help
to protec t the env ironment and your
hea lth.