Technical data
Technical data
Vehicle documents,
identification plate
The tec hnical d ata is determined in
accordance with European Community
standards. We reserve the right to make
modifications. Specifications in the vehic le
docum ents alwa ys have priority ov er those
given in this manual.
The Vehicle Identification Number (VIN ) is
on the vehicle identification plate, located
on the right-hand door pillar.
The vehicle identification plate also lists, in
kilograms, the Gross Vehic le Weight
(GVW), the Gross Combination Weight
(GCW) and the m aximum front and rear
axle loads respectively. Observ e these
lim its w hen using the full load or towing
capacity of your vehicle.
Information on identification plate
Manufac turer
Typ e ap prov al number
(see separate plate on next p age)
Vehic le Id entific ation N umber
Permissible Gross Vehicle Weight
Permissible Gross Com bination Weight
Maximum permissib le front axle load
Maximum permissib le rear axle load
Vehic le-specific or
country-specific data
Vehicle docum ents,
identification plate........................... 162
Engine identification........................... 163
Coolant, b ra ke fluid, oils .................... 163
Engine data......................................... 164
Weights, payloa d and roof load ....... 166
Tyre pressures in bar / psi .................. 169
Electrical system ................................. 170
Ca pacities ........................................... 170
Dimensions.......................................... 171
Loa dspa ce d imensions ...................... 172
Mounting dimensions of carav an /
tra iler towing equip ment ................. 173
The VIN plate o n your vehicle m ay differ fro m
illustration S 11 831 (s hown above).