Driving and operation
Controlling exha ust em ission
Through design-rela ted measures - m ainly
in the a rea of the mixture formation
system - the proportion of noxious
materials in the exhaust, such as carbon
monoxide (CO), hydrocarbons (CH) and
nitrog en oxides (N O
), is reduced to a
Control ind icator
for exhaust
Illum inates when the ignition is switched on
and during the start attempt. Extinguishes
shortly after the eng ine sta rts running.
If it illum ina tes while the engine is running
there is a fa ult in the em ission control
system. The permitted emission v alues may
be exceed ed. Consult a work shop
immed iately.
Control indic ator
for eng ine
Illuminates for a few sec onds when ignition
is switched on.
If the control indicator
illuminates when
the engine is running, there is a fault in the
eng ine electronic s. The electronic s switch
to the emerg ency running p rogram me, fuel
consum ption m ay increase and the
driveability of the vehicle may be affected .
In some cases the fault can be eliminated
by sw itc hing the engine off and back on
aga in. If the c ontrol indicator
illuminates again w hen the engine is
running, consult a workshop to have the
cause of the fault eliminated.