Driving and operation
Laden progra mme kg
It is possible to use Laden programme in
both Manual and Automatic m od es. In
both cases, the gea rshifting patterns are
adap ted automatically for carrying an
increased pa yload. Press button
, Lad en
programme will b e selected and control
will appea r in the tra nsmission
display. Easytronic will then select
optimized gearshift patterns.
The Laden programme is sw itc hed off by:
Pressing button
Turning off the ignition.
Ac celera tor pedal pressed past the
pressure point: below certain speeds, the
tra nsmission shifts down into a lower gea r.
Full engine power is a vailable for
When the engine speed approaches its
up per limit, the transm ission shifts to a
higher gea r during kickdown even in
Manua l mode.
Without kickdown this automatic shift is
not a ffected in Manual mode.
Engine braking assistance
Automatic mode: When d riv ing downhill,
Easytronic d oes not shift into the higher
gears until a fa irly high engine speed has
been reached. During braking, Easytronic
shifts down to a low er gear in good time.
Manual m od e: To utilize the engine
brak ing effect, select a lower gear in good
time when d riv ing downhill.