Locks, doors, windows
Elec trically ad justable exter ior mirror s
Adjust m irrors using switch located in
driver’s door.
Operational with the ig nition on or off.
Turn switch to left:
Sw itch operates left-hand m irror.
Turn switch to right:
Sw itch operates right-hand mirror.
Switch in c entral position:
Mirror adjustm ent is off.
The lower aspherical m irrors are not
adjusta ble.
For the safety of pedestrians, the exterior
mirrors will swing out of their normal
mounting position in the ev ent of an
accident-like impact.
Aspherica l exterior m irror
The aspherically curved mirror glass
increa ses the field of v iew. Estimating the
distance a way from v ehicles follow ing you
is only p ossible to a limited extent because
of slight distortion.