Service, maintenance
Battery acc ess
The b attery is located beneath the front
left-hand seat floor pa nel - see page 128.
Add itional b attery
Dep ending on the v ehicle auxiliary
equipm ent, certain models m ay have an
additional battery located next to the
vehic le ba ttery.
Battery maintenance
If the ba ttery installed to your vehicle is not
maintenance free:
Remove ba ttery ca ps and ensure
electrolyte level is 15 mm ab ov e the plates.
Ad d distilled or demineralised water to
correct the level.
If ba ttery fluid lev el drops below the plates,
do not attempt to test or recharge the
battery or jum p sta rt the engine.
Electrical or electronic accessories fitted at
a la ter sta ge ca n place a n additional load
on the battery or discharge the b attery.
Consult a workshop as regards technica l
possibilities, such as fitting a m ore powerful
or an ad ditional b attery.
Ensure adequa te v entilation w hen
cha rg ing the battery. There is a risk of
explosion if gases generated during
cha rg ing are a llowed to ac cum ulate!
We recommend that you have battery
changes carried out by a w ork shop, who
knows the law s c oncerning the disposal
of used ba tteries and therefore protects
the environment and your health.