Self-help, vehicle care
Towing the vehicle
Screw the tow ing eye (stow ed in the tool kit
- see page 131) fully into the front towing
soc ket.
Attach the tow rope
- or better still, a tow
- to the towing eye, nev er to the
bumper or front susp ension units. Do not
tow the vehicle from the rear.
The front towing eye must only be used for
towing and not recov ering a vehicle.
Switch on the ignition to release the
steering column lock and to permit the
opera tion of the brake lights, horn and
windscreen wiper.
Manual transmission or Easytronic
in the
neutral position.
Driv e off slowly and a void jerky
movem ents. Impermissible tractive forces
could damage the vehicles.
To prev ent the entry of exhaust fumes from
the towing vehic le, switch on the air
circulation system and close the wind ow s.
Seek the assistance of a workshop.
Tow ing service
Entrust your v ehicle only to the towing
service of your choice and obta in a n
estimate on towing costs b efore emp loying
any towing service. This will prev ent
unnec essary expense a nd possible
insurance problems during claim
proc essing.
Towing another vehicle
Attach tow rope
- or better still a tow
- to the rear tow ing eye, never to the
rear axle and suspension units.
The rear towing eye must only be used for
towing and not recovering a vehicle.
Drive off slowly and avoid jerky
mov ements. Imperm issible trac tiv e forces
could da mage the vehicles.
For braking and steering, significa ntly
higher forces a re required: b ra ke
assistance and steering a ssistance are
effective only with the engine running.