6 G
3. Select icon
Heating curve
Current temperatures
Installation engineer settings
Alarms, warnings, limitations and log list
ECO function
Time and date
Language selection
Product information
4. Use the arrows to navigate the submenus.
5. Use the plus and minus buttons to change the setting.
6. Confirm selection,
or go back to the menu without confirming
You are now back in the main menu.
After 15 minutes of inactivity, the display reverts to the home screen.
Basic settings
The installation engineer sets the language, time and date at the time of installation.
In the event of a power cut lasting longer than 3-4 days, you or the installation engineer may need to set
the basic settings again.
ECO function
The ECO function is used when the boiler is not in use. The ECO function activates the boiler’s
circulation pump every other day to prevent the pump from seizing.
If the temperature in the boiler drops to 10°C, the boiler starts up and tries to maintain
a temperature of at least 10°C in the boiler and pipe system. If the temperature drops below 3°C in the
boiler, the boiler shuts down completely.