52 bright blue Installation Manual
W3 - P3 Pin1/Pin2 RS485 Communication Line Terminator.
Default: No Jumper
W4 - Determines the configuration of the first pin (TXBW0) at P3.
Default: Jumper on pins 5&6
W5 - Determines the configuration of the third pin (RXA) at P4.
Default: Jumper on pins 3&4
W6 - P4 Pin2/Pin3 RS485 Communication Line Terminator.
Default: No Jumper
W7 - Determines the configuration of the second pin (TXB) at P4.
Default: Jumper on pins 1&2
Pins Not Used
W9 - BKDG: No jumper required for normal operation.
Connecting to bright blue
Communication between the
bright blue
controller and a VBB-RI reader interface is via RS-485 protocol. Any
one of the Device connectors (Device 1-1 through 2-16) on the
bright blue
controller can be used to
communicate with P4 on a VBB-RI. The below example is using Device 1-1 on the
bright blue
controller and P4
on the VBB-RI.
Data Communication between bright blue and VBB-RI
bright blue
Pin 1 - A (Data A)
Pin 3 - RXDA (Data A)
Pin 2 - B (Data B)
Pin 2 - TXDB (Data B)
Pin 3 - + (Power)
Pin 4 - PWR (Power)
Pin 4 - - (Ground)
Pin 1 - GND (Ground)