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Doc. IS0xxx
Rev.04 | Date: August 25, 2021
MCP-8I Quick Start Guide
Volume Animation
Figure 32: Volume Tolerances Navigation
When ‘
Volume Inspection
’ is
the ‘
Volume Bar Graphic
’ will be displayed at the
bottom of the window. The ‘
Volume Bar
’ is a graphical representation of the products current
measured volume.
As shown in Figure 25, there are 3 different Volume Analysis Results:
Low Glue / Under Glued Area Indicator
– is represented on the left side (Section 1) of
the volume bar and is colored red. When the black indicator is in this area, the product’s
glue volume is
the Sensor’s
Negative Volume Threshold Tolerance
Good Glue Area Indicator
– is represented in the center (Section 2) of the volume bar
and is colored green. When the black indicator is in this area, the product’s glue volume is
the Sensor’s
Positive and Negative Volume Threshold Tolerances
Excess / Over Glued Area indicator
– is represented on the right side (Section 3) of the
volume bar and is colored red. When the black indictor is in this area, the product’s glue
volume is
the Sensor’s
Positive Volume Threshold Tolerance
Figure 33: Inspection Window’s Volume Animation
A way to interpret ‘
’ is to think of the amount of glue on the product. Since the amount of
glue can sometimes fluctuate during production, this is a way to make sure products are being
glued consistently.
Note1 –
Since the
of the inspection is
to the
volume of the glue
on the
learned product
, it is best to
learn after running a few products
glue can dry on
the valve
could cause the first product to not be glued correctly
Note2 –
volume errors
, first try performing a
new learn
learned volume
. If that does not help,
increasing the Positive and Negative
Volume Tolerances can help fix and filter volume error messages