1068/005 Control panel
The System Log stores the last 500 events (setting, unsetting, alarm, tamper etc.) which concerned the system.
The events are stored from the most recent to the oldest, i.e. the most recent event is the one with the lowest identification number.
The stored events move down by one position as a new event is added.
When the System Log reaches the maximum size (500 events), each new event will be written over the oldest stored event.
The System Log may be examined by the Master user and by the other users but may only be deleted by the Installer.
1068/010 Control panel
The System Log
stores the last 1000 events (setting, unsetting, alarm, tamper etc.) which concerned the system.
The events are stored from the most recent to the oldest, i.e. the most recent event is the one with the lowest identification number.
The stored events move down by one position as a new event is added.
When the System Log reaches the maximum size (1000 events), each new event will be written over the oldest stored event.
The System Log may be examined by the Master user and by the other users but may only be deleted by the Installer.
The EN50131 Event log
stores the last 500 events (tamper, failures, etc.) which concerned the system.
The events are stored from the most recent to the oldest, i.e. the most recent event is the one with the lowest identification number.
The stored events move down by one position as a new event is added.
When the EN50131 Event log reaches the maximum size (500 events), each new event will be written over the oldest stored event.
The EN50131 Event log can be examined only by the Installer in the maintenance menu.
A user can only see the events related to the pertinent zones, i.e. the assigned zones.
The Master user is assigned to all zones and can always see all stored events.
Only the Installer user will be able to see technical events, such as faults and tampering.