30 UNIBLOC-PD Operation & Service Manual: PD600-677
E. Pump is noisy
1. Cavitation.
2. Liquid contains air.
3. Discharge pressure too high.
1. See C.
2. Check pump shaft seals for
leaks. Check suction side pipe fit
tings for leaks. Increase NPSHA.
3. Check suction and discharge pip
ing for closed valves or obstruc
tions. Increase pump size.
F. Motor overheating
1. Motor size too small.
2. Discharge pressure too high.
3. Viscosity higher than
4. Motor & pump misalignment.
1. Increase motor size.
2. Lower pump speed. Lower
pressure. Check suction and
discharge piping for closed valves
or obstructions.
3. Decrease pump speed. Increase
pipe size or shorten discharge
pipe length.
4. Correct alignment.
G. Shaft seals leak
1. Worn parts.
2. Seals have been operated
without product in pump or with
out flushing liquid.
3. Seal incompatible with liquid
1. Replace seals and/or o-rings.
2. Operate pump only when liquids
Can come in contact with seals.
Replace worn seal parts.
3. Contact factory for proper seal
selection, operation, and replace
if necessary.