Exo x6a Operations Manual
revision 1
1st September 2013
EV: an event number. The full list of possible events can be found in
common are:
10 = Armed
11 = Disarmed
15 = Auto Armed (pilot has raised throttle above zero and autopilot is free to take control of
16 = TakeOff
18 = Land Complete
25 = Set Home (home location coordinates have been capture)
GPS : gps position, altitude, number of satellites, hdop recorded at the update rate of the GPS
(usually 5hz)
IMU : raw accelerometer and gyro information recorded at 50hz
INAV : inertial navigation altitude and position
MOTORS : individual motor levels recorded at 50hz
NTUN : navigation data including desired and actual velocity, desired acceleration, desired roll
and pitch angles. recorded at 10hz while the autopilot is controlling the horizontal position
(Loiter, RTL, Auto modes)
OPTFLOW : optical flow sensor velocities and desired roll and pitch angles if OF_LOITER is
PID : resulting P, I and D outputs of the PID controller if it is being tuned with the CH6 tuning
knob. recorded at 50hz
PM : performance information including number of loops running slow, longest loop time in ms
(recorded once every 10seconds)
Please note that there is a significant performance impact if you enable too many logs so
in general you should stick with the defaults and only enable expensive logging like
INAV, MOTORS and IMU when you need them to do some specific analysis.
If you want to see which items you can log for other platforms, do the next steps:
Note which items are enabled before you do the next steps – write down the list.
Type Enable All at the cli prompt. That will enable logging of all parameters for
your platform – some of which you may not want. You will see the new list of all
items now being logged.