Exo x6a Operations Manual
revision 1
1st September 2013
The full list of possible dataflash messages for Arducopter is:
ATT : roll, pitch and yaw (recorded at 50hz if enabled with
, 10hz if enabled
CAMERA : GPS time,vehicle roll, pitch, yaw, lat, lon and altitude at the moment the camera
shutter is triggered
CMD : commands received from the ground station or executed as part of a mission
COMPASS : raw compass values and compassmot compensation values
CURRENT : battery voltage, current and board voltage information recorded at 10hz
CTUN : throttle and altitude information including pilot throttle input, sonar alt, baro alt.
recorded at 10hz
D32: id = 9, Simple Mode‟s initial heading in centi-degrees (i.e. 18000 = south)
DU32: id = 7, bit mask of internal state. The meaning of individual bits can be found in
ArduCopter.pde‟s definition of the ap structure
ERR: error subsystem and error number. A list of these can be found on the