Exo x6a Operations Manual
revision 1
1st September 2013
The above is the main Ground Station view of the Mission Planner, showing the Heads-up
Display (HUD). Once you have connected via MAVLink over USB or wireless telemetry the
dials and position on this screen will display the telemetry sent by APM.
A few tips:
The map will only show current position when you have GPS lock or are using a flight
Remember how artificial horizons work: when the aircraft tilts to the right, the horizon
tilts to the left. (Just tilt your head and you‟ll see what I mean). This is normal! Please
don‟t tell us it‟s reversed
For APM:Plane status, the output meaning is as follows:
“WPDist” : Distance to next waypoint in meters
“Bearing ERR”: How far your UAV is from the perfect line to the next waypoint
“Alt ERR”: How far your UAV is from the target altitude
“WP”: Next waypoint to hit
“Mode”: Current autopilot mode.
“APM:Plane output” means the autopilot‟s outputs on the first four channels
You can issues mode changes and other action commands in the air with the Mission
Planner and other GCSs, but note that you must be under autopilot control for them to
take effect. When your RC toggle switch is in the Manual position, you are no longer
under autopilot control and no commands will take effect. You must be in one of the
other positions (Stabilize, Fly-by-Wire, Auto or any other autopilot-controlled mode) for
MAVlink commands to take effect.
You can change the voice used in the speech synthesis in the Ease of Access center in
Windows Control Panel. Go to the “Text to Speech” options.