Rev: 2015.06.28.v01c
page 12
Once you are happy with the depth of
the spar, wick in some thin CA for the
entire length and hit with kicker.
Flip the wing over and repeat the
process on the top side.
Locate the wood piece shown above and
coat it with a medium amount of
Welders and with the nozzle of the tube
squeeze some Welders into the slot.
Once the Welders has tacked up, bring
the two pieces together. Align them on a
at surface and use the trailing edges
as reference.
Grab the black two counter balance
pieces that glue onto the end of the
ailerons. Coat the them mating surfaces
with a lm of Welders and let tack up.
Install the piece as shown, from the
under side. Make sure that ts ush on
the top side, and ush everywhere on
the bottom except where it gets wider
for the hook.