Model 3090/3090AK Engine Exhaust Particle Sizer
SET commands
set column heater, D-13
set data simulation, D-14
set debug mode, D-15
set digital analog converter, D-13
set EEPROM, D-14
set electrometer parameter, D-15
set export mode, D-14
set flow, D-13
set instrument error, D-13
set instrument matrix, D-16
set instrument matrix name, D-16
set PCB revision, D-14
set PID parameter, D-12
set serial number, D-13
setting up, 2-4
setup, 2-1
sheath air hose, 6-16
sheath flow, 5-33
sheath temp, 5-33
shipping strap, 6-35
installing, 6-36
removing, 2-2
shortcut keys, 5-48
show max concentration value, 5-42
signal connections, D-1
size distribution, B-2
change how data is viewed, 5-6
file menu, 5-20
format menu, 5-24
help menu, 5-41
installation, 2-6
introduction, 5-1
menu, description, 5-19
opening existing file, 5-3
operation, 5-1
playback menu, 5-24
quit, 5-19
run menu, 5-23
selecting particle histogram, 5-4
starting the program, 5-2
using alternative inversion
matrix, 5-10
view menu, 5-29
window menu, 5-40
software license, iv
SOOT.matrix, 5-10, 5-11
specifications, A-1, E-4
start at time, 3-6
start data collection, 3-4, 5-23
starting a run, 3-4
static prevention measures, 6-1
statistics, particle size, C-1
status bar, 4-2
status bar icons, 5-47
stop data collection, 5-23
surface, 5-16, 5-45
table color dialog box, 5-26
taking sample run, 3-2
technical contacts, 6-33
text, 5-17
theory of operation, B-1
time range and resolution, 5-17
time resolution
changing, 5-6
time window, 5-4
title, 3-6
toolbars, 5-39
total concentration, 5-16, 5-31
total concentration window, 5-31
trigger channel 1, 5-33
trigger in, 1-6
trigger out, 1-6
troubleshooting, 6-1
baseline noise, 6-24
error flags, 6-29
noisy channels, 6-26
address, iii
undo zoom, 5-28, 5-42
units, 5-16, 5-43
unpacking, 2-1, 2-2
shipping strap, removing, 2-2
use averaging interval, 5-17
user settings, 4-2
ventilation, 2-4
view boundaries, 5-45, 5-46
view menu, 5-29, 5-42
3D graph, 5-29
instrument status, 5-32
particle histogram, 5-30
particle table, 5-30
toolbars, 5-39
total concentration, 5-31
viewing data, 3-8
voltage range, 5-38
volume, 5-16, 5-46
warm up screen, 3-1
warm-up display screen, 3-1
warning symbols, vi
weight, 5-45
changing, 5-6, 5-9
weight menu, 5-45
weight options, 5-45
mass, 5-46
number, 5-45
surface, 5-45
volume, 5-46
weighting, 5-39
weighting in the 2D histogram, 5-9
weighting symbol, 5-38
window menu, 5-40
5, 4, 3, and 2 Pane Layout, 5-40
close all, 5-40
wiring harness retainer, 6-12
write commands
write column heater mode, F-5
write data simulation mode, F-5
write particle density vector, F-5
zero electrometer, F-6
zero check, 3-6
zero electrometer function dialog
box, 5-35
zero electrometer progress dialog
box, 5-35
zero electrometers, 6-24
zero function, 6-25
zero the electrometers, 5-34
zoom in, 5-13
zoom out, 5-13