Model 3090/3090AK Engine Exhaust Particle Sizer
17. Clean the inside rings of the electrometer assembly using a soft, dry,
lint-free cloth (Figure 6-22). Wipe the rings using a clockwise motion,
not up and down. If the accumulated particles cannot be removed with
the cloth, try using a wet cloth (distilled water first; if that does not
remove the particulates, try acetone). Depending on the size of your
hand, it may be necessary to clean half the assembly from the top and
then turn it over and clean the other half from the bottom.
immerse the column in any solvent.
Figure 6-22
Clean the Rings of the Electrometer Assembly
18. Allow the column and assembly to air dry if necessary.
19. Reassemble the column in the reverse order of disassembly.
C a u t i o n
Be careful to avoid scratching the rod and the inside of the tube as you
reassemble it. A small scratch, nick, or burr can disrupt the electric field
inside the mobility analyzer, severely affecting its performance.
20. After cleaning, reassemble the charger column (pay particular attention
that the O-rings are in place) and after warm-up, zero the electrometers
see “
Baseline Noise
” in the following section, “
”). If the
problem is still present, try zeroing the electrometers again from the
front panel. If this still does not help, you may have to clean the column
again or contact a TSI representative for assistance.