Manual x/e-touchPANEL 02 | 01-2021 | 2.9 | en
Emergency Application
28 / 118
5.6. Configuring the error signalling
Two DALI addresses of DALI line A can be defined for fault signalling.
In this way, the error status can be transmitted to a higher-level system via relay modules DALI RM or DALI 3-RM-C
or indicated by signal lamps.
DALI is based on random addressing. This means that the interface devices can be assigned any of 64 possible
addresses. DALI RM, e.g., can be assigned address A4. As before, 60 emergency units can be connected.
Addresses higher than A60 are also possible for emergency units.
5.6.1. Specifying DALI addresses for error signalling
Click on the "Main menu" symbol.
-> The "Main menu" is displayed
Click on the "Addressing/grouping" button.
Select addressing method "System extension", "Reinitialization" or "Grouping only, no search for devices".
-> With "System extension" the addresses of existing DALI devices remain unchanged.
-> With "Reinitialization" a new address is assigned to all DALI devices in the system.
Click on the "Next >" button
When the message "Search completed" is displayed, click on the Complete button.
-> The Grouping page is displayed. Each emergency unit is displayed as part of a group.
Press the green arrow key at the bottom right.
-> The dialog box to select the two addresses for error signalling is displayed. Only addresses are displayed
that are not assigned an emergency unit.
Error signals can only be received on DALI line A.
Only addresses that are not assigned an emergency unit can be used for error signalling.