Manual x/e-touchPANEL 02 | 01-2021 | 2.9 | en
Emergency Application
23 / 118
5.4. Addressing and grouping emergency units
Every emergency unit must be assigned an individual address in order for the x/e-touchPANEL to be able to
communicate with the emergency units. Three addressing methods are differentiated:
During the addressing process, the emergency units are automatically divided into six groups.
A time and day of the week can be set for every group at which the tests are to be performed. This prevents the
emergency units from being tested simultaneously.
Click on the "Main menu" symbol.
-> The "Main menu" is displayed
Click on the "Addressing/grouping" button.
-> The dialog box "Addressing method:" is displayed.
Select the addressing method "System extension" or "Reinitialization".
Click on the "Next >" button.
The number of connected emergency units is displayed.
When the message "Search completed" is displayed, click on the Complete button.
-> The Grouping page is displayed.
-> Each emergency unit is displayed as part of a group.
System extension: If new emergency units have been added to an existing system, an address is assigned to
these units. The addresses of the existing DALI devices remain unchanged.
Reinitialization: A new address is assigned to all DALI devices in the system.
No device search, only grouping: If emergency units are to be regrouped in an existing system. The existing
DALI devices can be regrouped. The addresses of the existing DALI devices remain unchanged.
When the "Addressing/grouping"
is clicked for the first time a page will open with information about
By default
registering the x/e-touchPANEL software.
the check box "Remind me again in 24 hours" is
Leave the checkbox activated to be reminded again 24 hours later
- or -
Deactivate the checkbox by removing the tick to not be reminded again.
clicking the
After a reset to factory settings the page will appear again when
"Addressing/grouping" button
the first time.