Manual x/e-touchPANEL 02 | 01-2021 | 2.9 | en
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7.2. Overview
The x/e-touchPANEL has a USB interface and enables the transmission of:
The x/e-touchPANEL also has an Ethernet interface that enables configuration and operation of the system via a
connected PC or laptop. The display of the touchscreen and of the virtual touchscreen on the PC/laptop is
synchronised in real time. By transmitting the current statuses of several panels, the entire system can be
Test protocols (e.g. for archiving)
Application software updates for the x/e-touchPANEL
Configuration files
The configuration file of a x/e-touchPANEL contains the system settings (including the addresses of emergency
lighting, device/test group names for the EMERGENCY Application or addresses of operating devices, names of
devices, groups, scenes, etc. for DALI Applications) and enables the configuration to be saved.
It is also a backup file for the system settings of the EMERGENCY Application.
em-LINK software
The software em-LINK allows for easy monitoring of e/x-touchPANEL networks. The software can be downloaded
free of charge at