Low Chilled Water Temperature Cutout
The low chilled water temperature cutout (LCWTC) will shut
the machine down when the leaving water temperature
(Leaving Water Temperature) reaches the chilled water
cutout setpoint. The cutout setpoint is factory adjusted at
38°F and should not be changed. In special cases the
setpoint can be changed, if necessary, using the service
settings; field startup group menu. The adjustable range is
35-38°F. The chilled water temperature setpoint cannot be
set lower than 1.7°F above the chilled water cutout, which is
38°F in this discussion. Therefore, the lowest leaving water
temperature (Leaving Water Temperature) setpoint allowed
is 39.8°F with 38°F (LCWTC). Figure 26 illustrates a pictorial
(15) Chilled and Refrigerant
Temperature Cutouts,
Limit and Differential to
Start or Stop
Lowest setable leaving water temperature in this
example is 39.8°F because low chilled water
temperature cutout (38°F) plus 1.7 equals 39.7 and
setpoint must be greater than this.
Low Chilled Water Temperature Cutout
Setpoint (for example 38°F)
Lowest Setable leaving water temperature setpoint (for example 39.8°F*)
1.7°F minimum difference between leaving water temperature
setpoint and Low Chilled Water Temperature Cutout (LCWTC)
Selected leaving water temperature Setpoint
(for example 44°F)
Figure 26. Example illustrating leaving water temperature setpoint and LCWTC setpoint range