Condensate Heat Exchanger ABTF only
The condensate heat exchanger is used to recover heat
from the steam condensate, after it has passed through the
high temperature generator. Some lithium bromide
solution from the High Temperature Solution Pump (HTSP)
is supplied to one side of this heat exchanger, to reduce the
condensate temperature and preheat some of the lithium
bromide entering the generator.
Hot Water Heating ABDA only (Figure 1)
Heating only or simultaneous heating with cooling is
accomplished utilizing a heat exchanger. As system heating
water flows through the heat exchanger tube bundle a
relatively cool area compared to the hot refrigerant vapor is
created. This cool area draws hot refrigerant vapor (10
Items) through the heat exchanger where the vapor
condenses transferring heat to the system water (16 to 17
Items) within the heat exchanger tubes. The condensed
liquid refrigerant returns to the high temperature generator.
It should be noted that there is a trade off during
simultaneous heating and cooling; hot refrigerant vapor
consumed during heating of the system water is no longer
available for cooling loads. This creates the need to
establish a priority mode of operation, cooling priority or
heating priority. The control system will utilize the available
refrigerant to meet the needs of the priority mode of
operation. The priority is selected at the clear language
display under operator settings.