In-Direct Fired Energy Input Adaptive Mode
The maximum energy input is typically set to 110%. The
control system reads the steam pressure to the valve and
to the chest, knows the valve size from another setting, and
knows the valve characteristics are programmed into the
logic therefore, the CPU can calculate the valve throughput
and will allow a maximum of 110% with this setting. This
feature allows for constant max flow with variances in
31. Minimum Alternate Fuel Firing Rate (ABDA Only)
This is only displayed if unit type is Direct-Fired and the
alternate fuel is installed.
When the alternate fuel minimum fire position is
established at startup, the feedback voltage is again
measured and multiplied by 10 to give this minimum rate
as a percentage. For example, 3vdc times 10% or 1vdc =
30% (typical of oil).
The range of values shall be 0-100 in increments of 1.
Module Default is 30.
33. Maximum Wait for Combustion Time Setpoint
This is displayed for Direct-Fire units only. Range of Values
for is 3 to 10 minutes in increments of 1. Module Default is
10. Combustion must be proven prior to this time expiring
else abnormal occurs.
Optional Direct-Fired Heating Mode Settings
34. Heating Delta Temperature Setpoint
Enter the value of the difference between the entering and
leaving design heating water temperatures. This is similar
to the cooling delta T input and provides machine capacity
feedback to the control system. This must be set to the
design delta T of the heating bundle.
The selectable range of values are 100 to 180°F. Module
default is 140°F. See Table 5B for initial settings for items 35-
Table 5B. Heating mode settings
35. Hot Water Control Gain
This menu is displayed only on Direct Fired units with the
Auxiliary Heating option installed. Factory default setting is
Range of Values is 1 to 1000 in increments of 1.
36. Hot Water Control Reset
This menu is displayed only on Direct Fired units with the
Auxiliary Heating option Installed. Factory default setting is
Range of Values is 1 to 1000 in increments of 1.
37. Hot Water Control Derivative
This menu is displayed only on Direct Fired units with the
Auxiliary Heating option installed. Factory default setting is
Range of Values is 1 to 1000 in increments of 1.
38. Aux Heat Valve Maximum Travel Setpoint
This menu is only displayed on Direct-Fired units with the
Auxiliary Heating Option Installed. This is a three-way
butterfly arrangement that has a maximum of 90 degrees
rotation. The 90 degrees rotation corresponds to 16,300
steps. Module Default is 16,300 Steps.
Range of Values for ABS is 0 to 60,000 steps are in
increments of 100 Steps.
39. Auxiliary Heat Valve Closed Stop
This menu is only displayed on Direct Fire units with the
Auxiliary Heating Option Installed. Sets the minimum open
Range of Values for ABS is 0 to 100% in increments of 1%.
Module default is 10%.
40. Auxiliary Heat Valve Open Stop
This menu is only displayed on Direct-Fired units with the
Auxiliary Heating Option installed. Sets the maximum open
position of the valve.
Range of Values for ABS is 0 to 100% in increments of 1%.
Module Default is 100%.
Purge Control
41. Purge Maximum Pumpout Rate
Range of Values is 1 to 250 Minutes or 24 Hours in
increments of 1 Minute or 24 Hours. Module default is 200
minutes or 24 Hours.
When this maximum is reached the control will annunciate
an IFW diagnostic on the CLD. The Purge module will also
recognize this as an IFW type diagnostic and continue to
Items 42 and 43 are used to provide a timed pumpout
feature. This pumpout is independent of the purifier purge
pumpout logic. The duration is how long the motorized
valve will be energized every interval. To disable this
feature set the duration, item 43, to 0 minutes.