Series User Manual
For more information about Tramigo tracking products, please visit www.tramigo.com. For distributor, re-seller and
partnership opportunities, email
Personal Assistance Button
Pressing the T23 or T23 Fleet Personal Assistance Button for 3 seconds or more will send a SMS
report to all Users with Owner authority indicating your location. To also include users with Friend
authority use the
T23 Series base language is English. Maximum number of languages loaded into T23 Series is 3. To
see available languages use the LANGUAGE,ALL command. All commands and reports can be
translated to the other language. To turn on the alternate language see the LANGUAGE command.
To change TLD language you can use command TLDLANGUAGE,X, where X is the TLD language
SMS Handling
T23 Series will receive SMS when connected to the GSM network and when awake or in the first
sleep mode. SMS sent to the unit when not connected are stored by the GSM operator for a time
specified in your phone settings (1 hour to unlimited) and will send the SMS when the T23 Series
connects to the network. Note that some operators will delete the SMS sooner depending on
system volume.
T23 Series will buffer outgoing SMSes when not connected to the network and will send them at
the first opportunity. When the unit has problems sending a SMS the GSM light will flash and will
attempt to send the SMS several times. If this occurs frequently see the troubleshooting section.
Power Management
T23 Series conserves power by automatically going into sleep mode when the unit is idle. When in
sleep mode all the unit lights are turned off. There are 4 sleep modes that progressively lower the
power consumption. These modes are configurable using
The default parameters for portable use are show below.
1st mode shuts off GPS after 1 hour after a Trip ended or 15 minutes of inactivity
Wakes up on incoming SMS, Ignition, Trip Start, Charging.
Every hour, 10 minutes awake for 18 cycles (18 hours).
2nd mode shuts off GSM modem
Wakes up on Trip Start, Charging.
Every hour, 10 minutes awake for 120 cycles (5 days).
3rd mode is same as 2nd
Every day (1435 minutes) sleep, 10 minutes awake until 4th mode.
4th mode shuts down when battery power is below 3.6v
Wakes up only when connected to power or charging.
Motion detection wakes unit for 10 minutes then resumes current sleep mode.
Unit will not sleep when in a Trip or charging.
Unit will sleep if there are outgoing SMS that can’t be sent due to network issues.
Automatic reports do not impact sleep mode.
If Power reporting is turned on a Low Power report is sent when the battery is below 3.6V
To turn off sleep mode send the command: